Mom and her friends were going to Cleveland and one of the friends couldn't go. She asked me if I wanted to go, and since Mom has great friends and I know they always have a good time, of course I said yes. We were headed to the Cleveland Botanical Gardens for the flower show that's held there every two years, and since we'd be staying overnight, we planned some other activities as well.
The night before we were to leave, I checked CBG's website, just to confirm hours for the show and I saw this:
Cleveland Botanical Garden Flower Show 2009 has been postponed. Please check back in early 2010 for updates.
What?!?!? I guess if you don't live in the Cleveland area, you might not get the memo. A quick call to Mom, a little discussion, and the trip was still on. The gardens are always a good time - flower show or no flower show - and we were looking forward to visiting Petitti's Garden Center and Schedel Arboretum and Gardens on Day Two.
We arrived at the gardens around 1:00 p.m. and spent the next four hours meandering through the individual garden areas. This was my fourth time visiting, but I don't think I'll ever tire of them. I did limit my photo-taking this time, because of previous visits, but still found new and wonderful things to capture:
The alliums were in full bloom, in three colors - purple, magenta, and white. The white ones were stunning, when contrasted with surrounding foliage. The bees were loving them as much as we did.
One of the great things about CBG, or any botanical gardens for that matter, is that not only are the colorful blooms outstanding, but the textures and colors of the foliage don't have to take a back seat to anything.
When the foliage textures and colors work in combination with those of the blooms, the visual effect is stunning. CBG's design staff is brilliant.
The last time we visited Cleveland Botanical Gardens for the flower show was in May 2007, and the theme that year was "Rhythm and Hues." Several of the displays became semi-permanent, remaining until the next flower show, such as the "Opera Hortensia" shown below.
This one was tiered like an amphitheater. If you look closely (click on the photo to enlarge it), you'll notice the shrubs that are planted at an angle. I would never have thought to do that, and the effect is lyrical.
This one was tiered like an amphitheater. If you look closely (click on the photo to enlarge it), you'll notice the shrubs that are planted at an angle. I would never have thought to do that, and the effect is lyrical.
By far, my favorite part of the gardens is the Japanese Garden. The Japanese Maples, the asian structures, the waterfalls, the wooded's all perfect for reflection and calming the soul.
The azaleas were in bloom and as usually happens when I see a beautiful display of them, I want to go home and plant more than I care to kill. Yes, I've planted them and killed them, and except for one that is barely existing, I'll have to admire them in gardens such as these.
We'd spent so much time wending our way through the rest of the gardens that we didn't allow enough time to do the Glass House justice before they closed at 5:00. We had just enough time to run through quickly and ooh and ahh over the butterflies.
The waterfall is visually refreshing, as well as physically, because you can walk behind it and enjoy the fine mist of its spray.
Inside the welcome center, the metal wall sculptures are planted with ivies and other live plants.
We had a late lunch here, if you can call what I ate, lunch. I had the most delicious "brownie" in all the history of mankind. Imagine the best pecan pie you've ever eaten, in portable form. I'd just about give my right arm for the recipe.
Since we had to be "swept" from the grounds at closing, we couldn't make a return visit to their fabulous gift shop and I had to leave the green t-shirt I wanted (Eat. Sleep. Garden.). I suppose I can live without it. Either that, or I'll just have to go back.
Our previous visits to Cleveland Botanical Gardens can be found here:
Cleveland Botanical Garden Flower Show 2007
Cleveland - Petitti's, Botanical Gardens & Environmental Awards
Cleveland Botanical Garden Flower Show 2007
Cleveland - Petitti's, Botanical Gardens & Environmental Awards
so did you figure out how the made the rounds of Sempervivum and Sedum balls?
Gosh Kylee, you are going to have so much inspiration for your garden by the time the SF is over you will fill up your little acre. THanks for taking us with you on this visit. It looks like lots of fun. Seeing those wall hangers reminded me of your puny Pyracantha. Is it recovering??
Hi Kylee, I can't believe they postponed the Garden Show. What a shame.
Your photos of the gardens are very good. I had some similar settings, but the sun was too bright, and my camera isn't too fancy. Your shots are great!! I love the Sempervivum and Sedum balls!! (did you see the wreath on my post? perfect complement!) I love Dianthus 'Firewitch' -- so fragrant.
Azaleas and waterfalls and wall art, looks like you had a grand day!!
This looks like a fabulous place to visit in Ohio. I love the allium photos. WONDERFUL!!!! The sedum balls are something that I would totally love in my garden. I am a huge fan of all the different sedum varieties.
THANK YOU for sharing these photos with us in blog-land. ((HUGS))
That is just beautiful hun, thanks for sharing. Have a great day~ Brooke
Hi Kylee! I enjoyed the tour! The succulent balls are my favotites! Thank you!
Mr Chiots and I often film weddings at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens, but I've never been to look around. I'm hoping to go soon.
I also love going to Stan Hywet in Akron.
I love those sedum ball, I may be trying to make one, we'll see. HM, another project.
Hi Kylee, loved those sedum balls. It's always interesting to visit a local botanical garden. So much to learn and tips to pick up. Every time I visit the Chicago BG I come back with a wish list a mile long.
Well, you know someone who visits the CBG very frequently as a volunteer! She might just be able to pick you one up before the meeting we WILL have this summer, if you let her know your size... ;)
By the way, I've watered those wall planters in your last photo a bunch of times, and every time I do, it scares me. Not because it isn't sturdy, but because those terracotta pots are so OLD that they seriously cannot be replaced. (Not really.) I am deathly afraid of being the person who breaks one... ugh.
Oh, and ALL the food is good at the cafe there! :)
Love the photos, especially the sedum balls. I love to visit places like this. The closest thing we have is the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.
It's a good thing you checked otherwise you would have been so disappointed when you arrived and found there was no flower show.
Loved those sedum balls, they are fun!
You lunched on a brownie? Just one? ;-)
OK, that means you'll have to get back to get that t-shirt. :-)
Patsy ~ Mom checked them out (and has since made THREE of them!) and she thinks they used round wire planters turned upside down or something similar. That's what she used and it worked in a similar manner.
Lisa ~ Unfortunately, the Pyracantha is dead. Who kills a Pyracantha??? *raises hand* I'm going to have to figure out what to do for my espalier now. :-(
Janet ~ Well, I was dealing with the same thing you were...that bright, bright sun. I HATE it for taking photos! I should have taken my polarizer with me; that would have helped.
I didn't know 'Firewitch' was fragrant! I should have gotten my nose closer!
No, I didn't see your wreath...I must have missed that post! I'll check again. I want to do something similar with my wire turtle. I didn't use it last year.
Bren ~ Oh, you HAVE to go there. It's one of my favorite garden places. I love sedums, too, and have several of them in a group by our front door. I've had them for quite some time, EVEN before I started gardening for real. I just knew I needed something that could take hot and dry, and they are perfect for that.
Brooke & Tatyana ~ Glad you enjoyed the tour!
Chiot's Run ~ I've never been to Stan Hywet, but Mom has. One of these days we'll make that our destination.
Mom's already made three of those sedum balls!
Marnie ~ Well, I'll be seeing the Chicago Botanic Gardens this third trip there...and hope to get some ideas. I know all about wish lists! ;-)
Kim ~ I asked at the desk when we first got there if you happened to be working that day. He looked at a list of volunteers and you weren't on there! I was pretty sure you still worked there, but he seemed to think you didn't. Anyway, I did check!
Well, if that someone that I know would be ever so kind to pick up that Eat. Sleep. Garden. green t-shirt in a size small, this someone would be pretty excited and grateful! Actually,I think they should just give me one for us still making the trip and visiting, even though they canceled the flower show. LOL!
I talked with the woman who seemed to be the manager of the gift shop, and asked her why they canceled. What it boiled down to was the economy and getting sponsors so they could put on the quality of show that everyone is used to.
I told her what the page looks like for the show and she said, "Did you google it?" I told her I did and that was the page that came up. She said, "What did you google?" I told her, "Cleveland Flower Show." DUH. She told me I should have googled "Cleveland Botanical Gardens." WHATEVER. If you're going to the flower show, wouldn't you google the flower show?
Oh dear...I think I just blew them giving me a free shirt, didn't I? LOLOL! She did say she would check out what the show's page looked like. I don't know when they put the sentence in red on there, but it wasn't there in January, when we were planning our trips for the summer.
Anyway, what I am more excited about is that you said you WILL visit this summer! Yay!!!
Didn't even look that closely at those pots! I will next time. Those planters are soooo cool!
Hey...maybe you could get the recipe for those portable pecan pies! Those were just awesome!!!
Sylvana ~ This is a little over three hours away from us, so it's not really close, but it's worth the trip!
Yolanda Elizabet ~ We would have been shocked! It's still a very fun place to go though.
Those brownies were very large. I couldn't have handled much more, in fact, Mom helped me eat it and I had plenty. Any more sweetness and I would have been sick at my stomach.
About the t-shirt...looks like I've got a "connection." ;-)
Kylee, You and your mom always take the greatest trips! Are you going to Spring Fling? I wish I were, but I'm not...
Shady Gardener ~ Yes! We're both going to Spring Fling. Oh, I wish you were, too! :-(
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