Sunday, January 13, 2013

There's More to Come

It was never my intent to let a month go by without a single post on this blog. But December and early January were jam-packed with busyness, mainly trying to finish up the book that Jenny Peterson and I are writing - Indoor Plant Decor. It's amazing the amount of time it takes to write, collect and assemble photos, and try to put it all together to somehow make some semblance of sense!

Add in Christmas (with Hannah!) and a few trips and time just zooms right by.  It's all good though, and there's a week or so until we start in with edits on the book, when our editor says she will be "camping out" in our living rooms. She likes what she sees and I'm actually looking forward to this editing process!

The book is scheduled to be released on April 1st, but it's available for pre-order on Amazon right now at a very good price of $10.29. (List price is $16.95 for the 160-page hardcover book.)

If you want to follow a little more of the day-to-day goings on at Our Little Acre, you can "Like" the Our Little Acre Facebook page at

I'll be getting caught up with blogging and sharing some of the fun I've been up to in the last few months, including attending the annual Garden Writers symposium in Tucson, Arizona, where I experienced a gardening style very unlike mine here in Ohio.

My co-writer Jenny came to Ohio at the beginning of November and I made another trip back to Austin at the end of that month to work on the book with her.  We visited the Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory in Ft. Wayne (IN) while she was here, so there will be luscious greenness to share from that.  A recent trip to St. Louis for the National Green Centre trade show afforded me the opportunity to visit the Missouri Botanical Gardens and I want to return there during the summer season to see it in all its glory.

I've got some new products to tell you about and there will be a chance to win one of them, too.  In fact, that's up next. Thank you for staying with me!


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Both babies are cute.

Anonymous said...

simply dropping by to say hi

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