Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Unknown Flower in Mindo, Ecuador

When you're in a place that's not native to you, the flora and fauna are often unfamiliar.  And sometimes you know the plant, but when it grows in a much more favorable location for it than you're used to seeing, you may not recognize it.  This one, seen in a hell strip kind of garden on a street in Mindo, Ecuador, looks vaguely familiar, but I can't identify it.  My best guess is a yellow walking iris (Trimezia martinicensis, formerly Neomarica longifolia).  Can I get an amen on that from someone who knows?

?  Yellow walking iris  ?
Neomarica longifolia


Colleen said...

You are correct on this flower as it is indeed a Yellow Walking Iris Baby

Kylee Baumle said...

Thank you for the confirmation, Colleen! I had another reader say on Pinterest that it was Dietes bicolor but I don't think so.

Kylee Baumle said...

A Google search yielded this, which pretty much seals the deal, same location and everything!

Kylee Baumle said...

A Google search yielded this, which pretty much seals the deal, same location and everything!

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