Thursday, September 10, 2009

There's Something About Me...

Though I've done memes like this thrice before (here, here, and here), I agreed to participate in yet another one when Carol of May Dreams Gardens tagged me. This time, I decided to do it in a little different format - a quiz!

See how many you can get right:

Now, enough about me! I'm supposed to tag seven other bloggers. Since this meme has been going around for quite a long time, I'm not sure who all has already done it and who hasn't. Here are the "official" rules:

  • Link back to the person who gave you the award.
  • Reveal seven things about yourself.
  • Choose seven other blogs to nominate, and post a link to them.
  • Let each of your choices know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog.
  • And finally, let the tagger know when your post is up.

Let's see ... who will the next memers be? If you've already done this recently and I missed it, feel free to opt out. If you've already done it and want to do it again, all the better!

Janet of The Queen of Seaford
Kerri of Colors of the Garden
Shady Gardener of Does Everything Grow Better in My Neighbor's Yard?
Muum of Muum's Musings
Teresa of The Cottage on the Corner
Cathy of Outside In
Lona of Hocking Hills Gardener

PLEASE NOTE: You do not have to do this as a quiz! You can just list the seven things about you. I only did it this way to put a little different twist on it.

I think I've done quite enough of this meme, so this is the last one of these you'll read here from me. I mean, a girl has to keep some secrets.


Muum said...

oh, I'll work on this. gotta run now, though. thanks!

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

All right, I don't know you. 1 out of 7 was correct. Ha!

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

hmmm... interesting format. I will have to look at this and take your quiz when I can sit down and take some time. (Mopping the floor right now!!!??!?! {I know!})

Kylee Baumle said...

Muum ~ Looking forward to it!

Tatyana ~ That's funny! Well, my husband of 34 years only got three right! Guess he's still getting to know me, too! LOL!

Shady Gardener said...

I think you've kept a lot of secrets. I Guessed on almost all of them and I still only got one right!
;-) I'll give this some thought!

Cathy S. said...

Well Kylee I would love to try but that widget you are using won't work with my blog, thanks for thinking of me though!
I did get 43% right...

Robin's Nesting Place said...

I sure didn't do too well, just 2 out of 7.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

This was a good way to reveal things about you. I got two correct.

greenlegs80 said...

Well I got 4 right...these were hard! I know you better than that...

Kylee Baumle said...

Janet ~ It will be fun to read your seven facts!

Shady Gardener ~ Looking forward to reading about you!

Cathy ~ Oh, you aren't going to get off that easy! You don't have to do it as a quiz! You can just list the seven facts about yourself. That's how most of them are done anyway. So, get thinking and posting, my dear! :-)

Robin ~ That's actually kind of good, isn't it? That means I came up with things that people didn't know before!

Catherine ~ Two out of seven seems to be what most people are getting for scores. Even my husband. LOL.

Kylee Baumle said...

Kara ~ Yes, you probably know me as well as anyone. Even better than Grandma does. Which ones did you miss?

Anonymous said...

I totally B-b-b-b-bombed the test! But I figured I would beings I just started reading your blog! This was a great idea! How did you do it?

Kylee Baumle said...

Miss Daisy ~ One of the blogs I read, Daisy the Curly Cat, had a quiz on it, and I thought I'd just do the meme using the quiz format. There was a link at the end of that quiz taking me to the site. You'll find that same link at the bottom of the quiz box here on mine as well. There, you can do all kinds of quizzes!

I just discovered your blog last weekend and was telling Kim of A Study in Contrasts about it when she visited here on Monday. I'm sure enjoying it!

Carol Michel said...

I took the quiz and I got a perfect score, if you count missing all the questions as perfect. I didn't think you had worked as a gas station attendant, but chose it anyway, just for fun.

Fun quiz! Thanks for playing along.

Kylee Baumle said...

Carol ~ A perfect score! w00t! I would have expected you to do better than that, but hey, this is supposed to be a way of revealing things that people might not know, right? So it's all good.

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Hi Kylee, Just finished my post. It isn't as fun as yours with the quiz. and here is the link for the one I did last month. :-D

Kylee Baumle said...

Janet ~ Gosh, I can't believe I forgot that you did that!! I read it, too! I remember the ballet (because I also took ballet, but as a child) and that you got engaged nine days after meeting your husband. I'm so sorry, but I'm glad you're a good sport and did it again. :-)

TC ~ Okay, I'll give you half credit. LOL.
Ahhh! We hygienists are a special bunch. I'm glad you found one to spend your life with. It's been fun, hasn't it? :-)

Muum said...

I finally got back, and only got 2 out of 7 right on your quiz (more failure!! oh no!!)

I got my meme up, and it was fun making it into a quiz, so I did that, too.

Teresa O said...

Hi Kylee,

Sorry I didn't do the "meme" thing. I've been under the weather and haven't blogged for a couple weeks. I did take your quiz and only guessed 2 correct, but since I'm a relative new comer to the garden blog world, I have an excuse.

Kerri said...

I read this post the day I got your e-mail and didn't have time to do the quiz right then. Thought I'd come back that night but it completely slipped my addled mind (like so many other things do!)
I think perhaps I need a bigger hard drive in my head...not much storage space left :)
Your quiz was a fun way to do the meme. I got 3 right, but it was mostly luck. I did guess that makes it 3 and a half, right ;)
I probably won't do the meme..just because I'm not finding much time to post lately..and I'm not much good at memes.
Thanks for thinking of me though.

Teresa O said...

Better late than never, but I finally posted 7 things about me on my blog. It was surprisingly fun, even though I had a hard time hitting the post button.

Wheewwww.. hope I did this right.

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