Monday, October 21, 2013

Greenbo Fiorina Pillow Planter & Fabric Case: A Review

It seems like I've received more products for review this summer than usual and I've enjoyed putting them to the test, using them in my everyday garden experiences.  Over the next few weeks, I'll be sharing them with you, in case they're something you may want to use or perhaps even purchase as a gift for a gardener.  The holidays will be here before you know it!

When Jenny and I were writing Indoor Plant Decor: The Design Stylebook For Houseplants, we made use of cache pots quite a bit.  A cache pot is something that you place your plant in, but you don't plant it directly in the cache pot.  It's a holder for a plant that's already potted.  This is especially nice when you don't want to disturb the potted plant and it also allows you to use unconventional items as containers.  You can easily swap out one plant for another, too.

Cache pots don't have holes for drainage, so by placing the planted pot (with drainage holes) in the cache pot, you don't have to worry about it leaking.  When it comes time to water the plants, I remove the planted pot, take it to the sink, water it, let it drain, then just put it back into the cache pot.

Greenbo makes a pillow planter that can be used as a cache pot.  There is a rigid plastic liner pot set into the pillow, which itself is pretty sturdy and made of an easy-to-clean fabric.  The circular cut-out for the liner pot is edged in a satiny fabric, giving it a nicely finished appearance, although depending on the plant you put in it, it may not even show.  The fabric is suitable for use outdoors as well, so you could use it as a tabletop centerpiece or as an accent on a bench.

I recently potted up my begonias that I'd had in the garden this summer, since frost is predicted for tonight and they'll do well as houseplants.  One, I placed in the Greenbo Fiorina pillow planter and laid it on my living room sofa.  The pink blooms go nicely with the pink shades in the sofa and artwork on the wall.  I love how it's just so unexpected to see a plant on the sofa!

The other Fiorina planter is a fabric bag, made of the same fabric as the pillow planter.  In this instance, the liner is a thick plastic bag.  I had the perfect plant to put in it and because the planter is waterproof, it prevents those accidental water rings that I've carelessly caused on some of our wood furniture.  I like the different, casual appearance of this.

What I think:  I really liked both of these products, even more than I thought I would.  They're super simple to clean and couldn't be easier to use.  They help satisfy my need to use uncommon ways to display my plants.

Both Fiorina pieces come in several different colors.  Greenbo products are available at Lowe's, Home Depot,, and other outlets listed here.

I was contacted by Greenbo to see if I would like to try their products and I happily agreed.  All opinions stated here are my own. I am an Amazon affiliate, so blog posts may contain affiliate links.  I appreciate it when you shop through those links.


Anonymous said...

I think both of those planter products look interesting. I wouldn't be able to use the pillow one because I have a dog. I like the one that looks like a bag. That would look cool on my desk or kitchen table. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on these products.

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