Monday, April 19, 2010

Master Gardener Class: VII

We're fast approaching the end of our formal training as Master Gardener students and we've talked about how quickly it's gone. I think it's because we're all learning so many interesting things about an activity we love. And from the comments I'm getting, it sounds like our classes are a little  more interesting and fun than some.

Class VII had us learning about "Why Trees Matter," presented by Lee Richter, from the Toledo Botanical Garden.  We spent some time talking about the dreaded Emerald Ash Borer, which is such a problem in our area.  Soon, ash trees will be a rare thing to see here, which is sad, because it's such a beautiful tree.

Since most of our classes are held at the Defiance County Extension Office and it's out in the country, we all bring our lunches to eat there. The day was beautiful and sunny, so we quickly ate and then went outside to take a walk around the property.

 Brenda holds the grass, while Cathy saws it in two.

One of our fellow students had brought some ornamental grass to share, so some dividing was going on in the parking lot before we had to go back in for the afternoon session.

Steve Prochaska, OSU Extension Educator for Crawford County, gave us plenty of food for thought about pesticides and their use.  Though I try to garden organically, there are times when something a little stronger is necessary, so it's good to know how to use those types responsibly.

Dr. Prochaska also talked about various fruits and vegetables and gave us some recommendations for good varieties to grow.  Apples? 'Red Free,' 'Goldrush,' and 'Enterprise.'  Tomato? 'Health Kick.'  Raspberries?  'Caroline.'

I'll be missing the next class, which is on turfgrass and Horticulture Hotline Diagnostics.  I'll be attending the District III Garden Writer's Association meeting in Cincinnati for two days and Mom and I will be attending the Cincinnati Flower Show, which is going on at the same time.  The week after that is our last class, when we'll take our final exam.  Then we'll go into the volunteering phase of our training, where we'll spend at least 50 hours doing volunteer work of various sorts.


Sabrina said...

Let me know what you think of the Cincinnati Flower Show this year. I wrote in my post about it that I was a bit disappointed, perhaps because in my mind I compare it to shows in years past, which I thought were better. Not sure if you've been to previous ones.

Linda said...

I hope you enjoy the volunteering part of the Master Gardener commitment. I enjoyed putting in the hours and then some. Here in Oregon, we had so many opportunities to volunteer it was often hard to choose.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I have been waiting for the 2010 MG Prog. to open up for SF/San Mateo here in Bay Area...but nothing yet. I admire your effort. Matti

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