Monday, May 31, 2010

Macro Monday #2 - Tree Peony

Though the tree peonies (Paeonia suffruticosa) are done for the season - blooming, anyway - they still put on a show for a little while longer, as this seed head shows.  Just another example of wabi-sabi...

Want to see what it looked like about a week before that photo was taken?

Barely recognizable, isn't it?

For more Macro Monday photos, visit Lisa's Chaos.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Macro Monday #1 - Aquilegia 'McKana's Giant'

I don't know where I've been all this time, but I just this morning discovered Macro Monday.  The brainchild of Lisa, of Lisa's Chaos, participants choose a macro photo and post it to share. Since I'm a lover of macro photography, as regular readers of Our Little Acre well know, I'm excited to start taking part in this sharing of the intricate details of our world!

For my very first Macro Monday post, I've chosen a photo I took last week of my yellow Columbine (Aquilegia ' McKana's Giant').  It's one of the largest Columbines I have, both in height and in size of the blooms.  I love the pure, clear, pale color it has.

For more Macro Monday photos, visit Lisa's Chaos.

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