Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Niki Jabbour's VEGGIE GARDEN REMIX - Win One!

One of the best things about gardening is that there is an unlimited choice of things to grow. We tend to grow those things that we love, year after year, but it's always fun to try something new, too.

In 2008, I grew a lot of purple veggies. This
is Phaseolus vulgaris 'Purple Queen'.
One year, I decided to grow purple veggies. Researching what vegetables came in purple, I was surprised to find out how many there were. I already knew about eggplant and cabbage, of course, but there was also sweet corn, okra, potatoes, “green” beans, carrots, kohlrabi, lettuce, and several others.

Seeds were purchased and planted, and my purple vegetable garden was born.

When I would talk about my purple veggie garden, the number one question I got was, “Do the purple ones taste the same as the regular colored ones?” And the answer was yes. There was no discernible difference, other than slight variations you would expect from one cultivar to another, independent of color.

Besides being fun to do, I learned something along the way. Those purple beans magically turned green when they were cooked! We called them our magic beans.

For all of you adventurous gardeners, there's a new book that will have you salivating at all the wonderful and quirky choices available for growing. Niki Jabbour, star of growing year round, even though she lives in Nova Scotia, and author of bestselling The Year Round Vegetable Gardener, has written a fun new book – Niki Jabbour's Veggie Garden Remix.

This book is like looking at a catalog of 224 choices of a wide variety of edibles that you may not have thought about growing or may not have even known existed! But better than a plant catalog, Niki shares growing tips, plant origins, how and when to plant and harvest, different ways to use them, and a host of other information.

If your vegetable garden has become a little ho-hum, or you've lost a little enthusiasm for gardening in general, Niki's book can jump start it all again. How can you get bored growing things with names like 'Poona Kheera' (cucumber) and 'Orange Jelly' (turnip). I'm not a turnip fan, but ORANGE JELLY!

A carrot in parentheses!

I can think of no better way to begin this year's garden than flipping through this book and making a list of seeds that will elevate my veggie-growing space to stellar star status. It's like how I used to go through the Sears Christmas catalog the day it came and I made a list of all the toys I wanted. That was such fun, too.

We've been doing the Blue Apron thing for over a year now, and we've been introduced to some foods that we might otherwise not have known about. We found new foods to love, including some you'll find in Niki's book.

Win a copy of Veggie Garden Remix!

I was sent a complimentary copy of Niki's book and you could win a copy of your own! 

Just comment on this blog post by midnight, EST, on Sunday, February 25, 2018. One random commentor will get a copy of Niki Jabbour's Veggie Garden Remix sent to them from her publisher, Storey Books. Be sure to indicate how you'd like for me to contact you, in case you're the winner.

Good luck!


Niki Jabbour is the award-winning author of Niki Jabbours Veggie Garden Remix, The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener, and Groundbreaking Food Gardens. Her work is found in Fine Gardening, Garden Making, Birds & Blooms, Horticulture, and other publications, and she speaks widely on food gardening at events and shows across North America. She is the host and creator of The Weekend Gardener radio show. She lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and is online at


Donna@GardensEyeView said...

I absolutely love trying new veggies, and am looking forward to reading Niki's new book for some new ideas....and I also love purple veggies!! :)

Jenny said...

I never get tired of reading about gardening. I'd love to read this one!I'm happy to be contacted by email.

Treehugger said...

I would be happy to win a copy of this "unusual" book!


William Brown
162 Pine Needle Road
Fitzgerald, GA 31750

Louise Hartwig said...

Sounds like a refreshing approach to gardening that we can let be the sameo, sameo . Planting something new is like buying a new dress to wear to yearly party Fresh and exciting.I like the review and it makes me want to read more.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hey there ! .. I think it is amazing how many veggies can come in so many different colours and shapes .. those long radishes make me laugh ... but all the colour variations , wow how can you not take note of that?

the blonde gardener said...

I tend to plant the same veggies over and over and I would love to read about new varieties to try. I'm letting my grandkids help more in picking out the veggies this year so I'm sure color will play a big role.

Jan E said...

For me, part of the fun of gardening is growing new and unusual plants. Some I love, some not so much but it's always interesting. I certainly would enjoy some new suggestions.

Cricket said...

How fun! Thanks for sharing this!

Unknown said...

How fun! I'm so excited about this book!

Our Little Yarden said...

I adore growing new vegetables - last year it was Quinoa and cucamelons and pineberries. This year Lentils, strawberry popcorn and celeriac

Susie Johnson said...

I look forward to adding color to my gardening experience in a new way, other than through flowering plants or variegated foliage. Also, thinking outside the box and expanding my gardening knowledge brings me pleasure. Additionally, I enjoy growing vegetables because I like to share them with friends and neighbors.

12stringtaylor said...

I had to cut 4 oak trees due to disease, :-( , but on the bright side, I finally have a place for a small vegetable garden. This may be just the book I need to get started.

Julie Forney said...

I'm a big fan of non-run-of-the-mill veggies! All those wonderful colors and flavors. It looks like Nikki is carrying a Marina di Chioggia squash. I grew those one year--wow! The flesh was silken. Best pumpkin pies ever! My favorite, though, is the purple bean. I grow those all the time. This book is enticing me to try other new things! Hooray. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your purple garden experience! I'm researching what to grow in my first garden and looking for something different to include.

Shirley said...

Great review! I’m always looking for something new and different to try in the garden. Last year it was black tomatoes. This year, who knows? I need some Veggie Garden Remix inspiration!

Lynn Godin said...

Every year I like to try something new..this year rainbow carrots are on my list...would love Niki's book

Abby said...

My CSA and our local farmers market introduced me to some great new-to-me veggies, like kohlrabi and romanesco. I’d love to find more new favorites!

RobinL said...

The new veggies I’ll be trying out this year are lima beans and cucamelons!

Unknown said...

I forgot to indicate how you should contact me if I win (as per your posting instructions)! Email is great! (Can you tell I'm reeeeaaaaally hoping to win this book?!)

JoyceVT said...

We have been growing Royal Burgundy green beans for several years- I get a better yield out of them and the grandkids do love watching them change color as they cook!

RobinL said...

I actually am trying several new vegetables this year, including lima beans, watermelon radishes, and cucamelons!

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