Friday, April 1, 2011

Focus on Houseplants: Aeschynanthus 'Twister'

I love this plant! Aeschynanthus hybrida 'Twister', commonly known as Lipstick plant, is one of easiest houseplants I've ever grown. I found it a couple of years ago in a big box store and fell in love with its curly foliage. Though it wasn't blooming at the time, I knew these plants had some interesting blooms.

There are several different types of Aeschynanthus known as Lipstick plants and many have brilliant red blooms, which is where they get their common name. From what I've read, 'Twister', hybridized by the same Dutch grower that brought us 'Rasta', is supposed to have those brilliant red flowers emerging from its burgundy tubes that form in clusters at its growth tips. Mine simply has the burgundy tubes. As a zone 11 tropical, it needs heat day and night to flower, so perhaps there isn't enough heat for it flower all the way.

The foliage is unique enough though, in that it is curled both across its breadth as well as along its length, giving it a corkscrew appearance. Even if it never bloomed, I'd love this plant.

When I say it's easy to grow, I mean that it survives sporadic watering by me and doesn't need high light in order to grow well or flower. (Mine is five feet away from an east window.)  I don't mean to neglect it, but it happens and this plant just keeps on going as if I pampered it.


meemsnyc said...

Oh wow, it is gorgeous!

Darla said...

Very pretty....that's the type of houseplant I need, one that gets neglected from time to time.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I can see that your plant is blooming where it is planted. It is huge too. Enjoy those sweet little tubes of color no matter what color they are.

Lona said...

Wow, what a great looking plant Kylee. That is a new one to me. I love the cascading growth.

Aunt Debbi/kurts mom said...


Corey said...

I recently acquired a Rope Hoya, I thought it was a cool kind of lipstick plant and was So excited! Turns out it has similar cascading vine-y foliage. I always marvel how a little plant like mine turns into a hulking plant like yours. It's great.

Kate Walz said...

Wow what a cool looking plant! Its a new one for me. Thanks!

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