It's kind of like cats and dogs. One really isn't better than another, just different. Both make wonderful pets, but some people have a clear preference for one or the other. Some like both equally and some couldn't care less about either one. Like social media, we tend to gravitate towards that which is easier for us and fits with our lifestyle. It's all good.
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Twitter is celebrating eight years this year and they've got a feature which allows you to see what your very first tweet was. I certainly didn't remember how I utilized my 140 characters the first time, but Twitter tells me it was this:
How appropriate. :-)
Want to find out when you joined Twitter? It might not be the same time as your first tweet. Some people like to join and observe for a bit before jumping in. In case you don't remember, find out when you joined here. This will also show you some other fun stats about your Twitter account. Here are mine:
Twitter is the home of #gardenchat, #treechat, #herbchat, #rosechat, and other specialized chats where time is set aside each week for interested tweeters to come together to discuss topics relating to their passions. But gardeners can get some pretty quick answers to questions they might have by tweeting them at any time of the day or night. Never before has information and discussion about everything under the sun been so easily accessible.
So...what is your favorite social media mode? Facebook? Twitter? Google+? LinkedIn? Pinterest? Instagram? FourSquare? YouTube? Do you use any of them to find information on gardening?
ha, I don't do any of those that you listed. I don't even do facebook.
I'm still old fashioned and do all my communication by that thing they call a telephone. :}
That was fun! My first tweet was "Thanks Columbus. It's really nice to come home from a tropical vacation to cold, wet snow." Since then, I've changed into mostly just little comedy bits. It's where I hone my sarcasm! I don't keep up with it nearly as much as I do on Facebook.
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