If there ever was a better way of describing how I feel about certain poinsettias, I don't know what it is. In my recent post about saving poinsettias from the garbage heap after Christmas, I expressed my distaste for what some stores have for sale in the poinsettia department. Disgusting colors and that glitter.
We put glitzy findings on our Christmas trees. Lights, beads, shiny balls and ornaments. We ooh and ahh over those. But poinsettias just shouldn't be sparkly. They're pretty enough all on their own. So it may come as a surprise to you that I succumbed to the wiles of a certain poinsettia that I saw in a certain unnamed Big Box Store that urges us to save money and live better. There are methods to my madness, however.
First of all, they had the color I wanted - salmon with white edges. Secondly, they were inexpensive, so if I manage to kill it, I won't be losing much ($8 for the larger ones).
I tried to look past the glitter, which really wasn't all that offensive on this one. After all, if I do manage to keep it alive, it will outgrow its glitteriness, won't it?
poinsettias cause me mixed emotions also. and I love that jazz standard it made you think of.
That IS a gorgeous poinsettia that would be hard to resist even with the glitter. I can't figure out why they dust it with that stuff either. Seems like it would be a deterrent for sales because the glitter gets on everything.
I will be anxious to see if you are able to keep this one growing and happy. There was a Chinese restaurant downtown in my hometown whose owner had a gift for growing poinsettias after the holiday season. It was great! I hope you have the same luck.
I saw some at a Walmart that were sprayed blue and blue glitter on top. I love blue but could only shake my head at what a gaudy mess they had made of it.
I got one of those Salmon colored ones a few Christmases ago and the darn thing bloomed all winter right up until I planted it in the garden. It then continued to bloom all summer and got the size of a small tree.
I think you have a winner, Kylee.
Kylee .. I only wish I could have a real pointsettia in my home .. but the "girls" would think it was a snack or a new game for me to shout NO !!!!! LOL
You picked such a pretty one too darn it !
Joy : )
How funny. The other day I sent a tweet saying how I hadn't seen any of these glittered plants this year. I guess just maybe it is my area that didn't get a bunch of them in.
I'm not so keen on poinsettas, but that one is really pretty. The last several years I have decorated for Christmas with vintage ornaments in pink and aqua, so I wouldn't mind a mauve colored one if I could find it.
I actually kind of like the glitter :-)
I hope that it makes it, it really is a beautiful color. I don't allow anything with glitter on it in my house, but like you said, it will grow out of it. :)
Pretty nice looking to me!
I agree with you about sparkly poinsettias! Your purchase is lovely though. Very little sparkle. The color is really nice--I haven't seen many like it. Well worth trying to grow.
Happy holidays,
Just beautiful !
I have a lot of red ones which are pretty but your salmon is oh so different.
This would be pretty with or without the glitz.
If I didn't have so many other plants flowering right now, I would definitely be buying an interesting poinsettia. I like the white ones, or the double ones are nice. Good luck with yours! It's pretty and looks healthy.
Wow, I love the colour of this one! Shaking my head at the glitter thing though...glitter on a plant? But you're right, it should come off eventually!
Pretty poinsetta. I didn't buy one this year mostly because if I put it anywhere we could admire it the cats would likely chew it up. I like glitter, just not so much on plants. My snow duck ornament that I made was full of glitter though. I draw the line at plants....
I knew I was behind in my blog reading, but didn't realize how far! I'm not even much of a poinsettia fan, but our daughter is a full time florist at a local grocery store, and guess what she brought to us Christmas Eve? Yes, it had glitter on it. I need to go find your post about keeping them alive. Now that I have it, I don't want it to die right away.
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