Friday, December 18, 2015

I Love a Tattle-Tail! (A Review)

Some years ago, I shared some information about a unique mailbox system called Return-To-Center. It uses a patented design that reduces the problem of mailboxes getting hit by snow plows or passing cars. You can read my post about it here:

Build a Better Mailbox and the World Will Beat a Path to Your Door

We like our swiveling mailbox, but I love the new accessory we got for it. I ADORE it.

It's called a Tattle-Tail.

More than just a clever play on words, the Tattle-Tail saves me running out to the mailbox to see if the mail is here, only to find out it's not yet. And with winter upon us, I love it even more.

How it works is pretty simple. You attach it to the side of your mailbox and make sure the yellow flag is down.

Opening the mailbox door will cause the Tattle-Tail to flip up and it stays up once the mailman delivers your mail and closes the door.

Because the flag is positioned perpendicular to the mailbox, you'll be able to clearly see whether or not your mail has been delivered from the comfort of your home (as long as you have a clear view of your mailbox).

Flag up, mail's here. Flag down, not yet!

More information on the Tattle-Tail can be found here.

You don't have to have the Return-to-Center mailbox system to use the Tattle-Tail. It will work on most any rural mailbox. Shipping is included in the $28 cost, as is the stainless steel hardware needed to attach it to your mailbox.

We received our Tattle-Tail alert flag free of charge from Return-to-Center, but we like it so well that we actually would have bought it ourselves if our brother-in-law hadn't offered to send it to us.


Jenny said...

I've seen this before & considered getting one. It's a good long walk up a rocky hill to my mailbox. If I've put something in it to mail I grab the binoculars to see if the flag is still up before I head back out to check it.

Erin @ The Impatient Gardener said...

That's very cool. What I like about it is that the whole thing is relatively attractive. I know it's just a mailbox but some are just so ugly. If our mailbox was anywhere near our house, I'd love one of these. (We have a communal mailbox cluster at the end of the road).

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