Thursday, March 19, 2009

Blinded By the Light

Got your sunglasses on?


Go get them. I'll wait.

Ready now?

Crocus x luteus


Victoria Williams said...

OMG! Why didn't I listen to you and get my sunglasses????
Ha! Very bright and pretty indeed!

Kris said...

Stars. All I can see now is stars & sparkles. I, too, should of run grabbed my sunglasses. ;-D Very pretty.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Bright, bright, bright! They should be so happy! Also, they remind me an egg's yellow, yum!

Gardeness said...

Those just made me smile! Wonderful photo. I really need to add some yellow crocus to the garden. So cheerful.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

They are like little suns!

Chris said...

WOW, well you did warn me.

Bren Haas said...

Creative entry ... wonderful flowers! Happy Gardening - and don't for get the sun gear!

F Cameron said...

Pretty! Love the spring bulbs.


Aunt Debbi/kurts mom said...


joey said...

Wow, thanks for the warning ... they're stunning! Happy Spring, Kylee :)

Connie said...

They look like sunshine itself...and we could sure use some here!

Rob (ourfrenchgarden) said...

Hello Kylee

Just perfect. Great photo.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Don't you just love these bright strokes of sunshine that emerge from the cold gray of the earth???

Anonymous said...

That was a good warning! I love your little iris also. They are so delicate aren't they. No yellow crocus here yet. Time to uncover gardens though. It is a treat to see the gardens unfold across the country through blog friends posts.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Just what I needed on this first day of spring. Rays of sunshine captured in a flower.

garden girl said...


Thanks for the warning Kylee!

Spring has sprung, and your blog is exuding sunshine. Have a wonderful weekend.

Kit Aerie-el said...

Those spring flowers are so bright, we gotta wear shades! Beautiful!

Lona said...

Oh Kylee, they are so wonderful. What a brilliant yellow.

Anonymous said...

For the very first time I am inspired to plant more than just pickwick crocus. Just lovely!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Nothing is prettier than that...

Robin's Nesting Place said...

Spring sunshine! Beautiful!

Robin's Nesting Place said...

Oh, I went to the Indy Flower and Patio show today and it was nothing special. Definitely scaled down from last year.

Kylee Baumle said...

EVERYONE ~ Thank you for joining in my admiration of these sunny spots in our garden!

TC ~ Well, I guess I could have, but it wouldn't have been as pretty as it is in real life! So grab your shades!

Nat ~ I don't even have any Pickwicks! :-O

Robin ~ That's too bad. :-(

Kerri said...

Whoa! Shades of glory! Beautiful, bright blooms, Kylee :)
Happy Vernal Equinox! Happy Spring!

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Yea! It's spring! Now, I'm ready for the heat of summer, as it's currently 33 degrees in SE Nebraska.

Your crocus are pretty!

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