Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How To Kill a Plant

Just in case you have a plant that needs killing, and want someone to tell you how to do it, I'm your girl. Oh, I'm sure you already have the skills, but maybe you aren't quite sure about the method to use that will put that plant out of its misery in one fell swoop, short of chopping it up in the blender.

I try to stay mostly organic here, except where dandelions are concerned and then, bring on the Weed-B-Gone. That's only in the lawn though. In the gardens, I take my transplanter and dig 'em out. The method I'm about to disclose to you won't work on dandelions, mainly because I've never seen a dandelion for sale in a nursery pot.

I stumbled upon this technique quite by accident. But that's how a lot of great inventions were...uh...invented, isn't it? Penicillin, the Slinky, Post-It Notes... I don't think I'll be famous or make any money with this though. But you never know.

So here's what you do:

  • Go to the garden center and purchase a plant in a pot. (Can't kill it if you don't own it.)

  • When you bring it home, put it in a sunny window for safekeeping until you can plant it in the garden.

  • Ignore it.

  • Keep ignoring it until you forget you have it.

  • Several weeks later, when you come across a little black pot of something, you're very thankful for the tag in it, because it's unrecognizable to you in its present form.

Task completed!

Now wasn't that easy? And it only cost $2.49 total. Can't beat that with a stick.


Nutty Gnome said...

Ha ha - your plant is the mirror image of one currently lurking on my utility room window sill. I'm so glad it's not just me!

Unknown said...

Lol..... Beedn there, done that! We should start a club! Hugs....Brooke

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Oh Kylee, I about fell out of my chair laughing. Poor plant. Excellent instructions though. I have my own methods. They are very similar except you set the plant outside under the eave to "protect" it from frost and it can't get any water...Unfortunately it isn't protected from me. tee hee...

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I'm good at that too. Mine are all drowning in pots in the backyard now though.

Connie said...

Ha ha...very dramatic, Kylee, but I think the percentage of plants you kill compared to those that are beautiful and thriving must be very low.

Shady Gardener said...

Gotcha! (Actually, I could have give YOU the advice!) ;-) Happy Spring, Kylee.

Victoria Williams said...

Ha ha! Great!
(I could never have figured that out on my own.)

Louise Hartwig said...

I love it. If you would have only asked, I have had 50 yrs experience. Love you, Mom.

Kris said...

ROFL. You should print up a little brochure. You could sell it to the nurseries so they can include it with sales to those gardeners that don't know about your blog... ;-D

Anonymous said...

That is a great idea,
why I didn't think of that before,
that is cute ha ha ha.

Debbie t said...

I'm guilty of this very thing...think we could be related?

Debbie Tope said...

I'm guilty of this very thing...think we're related?

Pat said...

You have me rolling over with laughter.
Needed that.

Wayne Stratz said...

Yes indeedy. I have used this method myself. Too much love (water) is another fine method.

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