Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Guess Who Won the EasyBloom Plant Sensor?

Someone is going to be very happy to learn that they have won the EasyBloom Plant Sensor! As of midnight last night, there were 24 comments left on the qualifying post, but one of those was by me, in response to other comments. So when I used the Random.org random number generator, I threw my comment out and entered a range of 1-23 for it to choose a winner.

Here's what it came up with:

So, counting backwards from the bottom (it was easier that way), that means the winner is...


Now what you need to do, Ms. Muum, is to e-mail me through my profile and give me your mailing address so I can send it to those fine folks over at PlantSense. They will then send you your prize!

Congratulations to Muum, and thank you to all who entered the giveaway. A very special thank you goes to PlantSense for sponsoring the giveaway in the first place.

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