Looks like we're in for another warmish day with temperatures fifteen degrees above normal. Yesterday was perfect for planting bulbs and cleaning up leaves from the flower beds, which I did. It's supposed to be a carbon copy today, with a high around 65° and sunny for most of the day. We did get some rain late in the day yesterday, but not until I'd exhausted my energy getting yard work done.Indian Summer is defined as "a period of sunny, warm weather in autumn, not long before winter. Usually occurring after the first frost, Indian summer can be in late October or early November in the northern hemisphere, and late April or early May in the Southern hemisphere. It can persist for a few days or extend to a week or more." I'd say we're smack dab in the middle of it and we'd better soak it up because we're not likely to have days like this again for a long time.
I had the last of the bulbs to plant and they're all tucked away in their hidey holes in the ground, awaiting spring (just like me). I only placed one order for bulbs this fall, but I've also purchased a few from Lowe's and other garden centers:
Lilium 'Lollipop'
- Crocus chrysanthus 'Blue Pearl'
- Lilium 'Muscadet'
- Lilium 'Tiger Rose'
- Lilium 'Starfighter'
- Muscari latifolium
- Narcissus 'Sagitta'
- Narcissus 'Thalia'
- Narcissus 'Pink Charm'
- Tulipa 'Elegant Lady'
- Crocus sieberi ssp. sublimis 'Tricolor'
- Scilla siberica
- Allium oreophilum
- Fritillaria imperialis 'Rubra Maxima'
- Hyacinth 'Woodstock'
- Allium sphaerocephalum
Late last week, Romie had taken the mower and chopped up a LOT of leaves that had fallen due to some windy days. I raked them up yesterday and put them on the compost pile, but not until I'd spread nearly all of what was on the pile onto the vegetable part of the garden. It wasn't done decomposing but it was far enough along that by spring it will be perfect for working into the soil when Romie tills it up for planting.
garden where the veggies grew this summer. The leaves you see on top
of it are ones that have blown in from the trees in our yard.
I can't believe it's really that time of year already. It seems like just yesterday I was rejoicing over the first crocus bloom.
Putting the garden to sleep for the winter is rather deflating until you think...it won't be long until you will be running about taking picture of the crocus, then tulips and daffodils... Relax and enjoy your down time. Let those creative juices ferment...lots of fun to come.
What a bustling day you had. Such good use of a lovely autumn day! All that bedding down for winter sounds rather "romantic" to this west coaster that doesn't get to put anything away in the winter. It's go-go-go year-round around here. I have to put in winter vegetables in the next week or so. Be grateful that you get the break and respite of winter ;). Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Ah yes, it has been such an Indian Summer here these past few days! I've actually squeezed some gardening in without having to bundle up:) Your allium is stunning!! I have a few planted for next year, but I didn't get any with a head that large-- wow!
It's been a wonderfully mild fall here as well, with plenty of sunshine... which make garden clean-up more enjoyable. I finished up a couple of weeks ago.
That first photo is awesome...great fall colors!
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