I went to bed early last night - early for me, the night owl - getting there even before Romie. I'd been asleep for a couple of hours when I was awakened by our little darling, Jilly.Jilly is one of two of our outside cats that we want to be sure to put in either the garage or the pool house before we go to bed, or we are certain to be awakened sometime in the night by their meows at the bedroom window, accompanied by picking at the screen, or in the case of her brother Jack, climbing it.
Jilly missed curfew.
Cats have various meows they use for different reasons. Sometimes they're just making conversation and sometimes they want to really get your attention. In Jilly's case, it's always the latter, and she makes frequent use of it.
She woke me up and without turning on the light, I opened the window and let her in. Usually she'll jump right up on the bed and proceed to prance all around, walking across my face several times, kneading the blankets and licking my eyelids in an attempt to get me to open them. Not this time.
I laid in bed for a little bit and by listening to the sounds she was making, tried to figure out just what she was up to. I determined she was under the tall chest of drawers, but I was puzzled as to why she was under there and wouldn't come out when I called her.
I turned on the light and got down on the floor to have a look and it was then that I saw that when I had let her in the window, she had brought a 'friend.' Jilly is all gray, except for a teeny tiny tip of white on her tail, which is exactly how her mama looked. You'd miss the tip of white if you didn't know it was there. We suspect that Jilly's mother had a great deal of Russian Blue in her, although we'll never know, since she magically appeared here, about five weeks pregnant. Jilly's 'friend' was a similar shade of gray and I hadn't noticed it when I'd let Jilly in.
At this point, I retreated to the bed and coaxed Jilly to "Get him!" Much squeaking ensued and I contemplated just what to do. I considered the possibilities of what could happen here, and I didn't particularly like some of them, so I went downstairs to get Romie and suggested he bring a pair of gloves with him.
We got back in the bedroom and there was still some meowing and squeaking going on. Romie got on one side of the chest and Jilly was positioned at the other. After a little while, Romie was able to grab the tiny mouse and he returned it to the great outdoors where it belonged. And Jilly didn't seem to care much. She was just having a little fun at the expense of Little Mickey.
Such is life when you have cats. :-)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Feline Friday on Saturday - Jilly and Friend
Labels: cats, feline friday
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Awww... maybe not so much fun for someone whose long night of sleep was interrupted (you) or who had to catch a mouse (Romie) but definitely fun to read. :)
Cats are so much fun, especially at night. NOT!
Don't you just love it when cats are so helpful that they bring a live mouse INSIDE?!?! They are supposed to keep the mouse OUT of the house, aren't they? You gotta love 'em. Your little Jilly sounds like an absolute doll. The eyelid licking is the cutest thing I can imagine. Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
ROTFL, Kylee....our catchildren are delighting in suicidal rodents that are coming into the basement --imagine, coming into a house with eight cats! The catchildren hunt these with great patience and diligence, and usually when they get tired of them (if we're out or asleep) they leave them in the bathroom for easy disposal. However, occasionally they have been known to arrive on the bed with a mouse or vole or shrew. One night when I was away, darling husband woke to find four cats and a 'critter' on the bed, and as he put it, "no one was dead!" He wasn't long getting OUT of bed and sending everyone down to the basement to sort it out. As you say, such is life with cats.
I'm glad mine is an inside kitty. I really don't like mice, especially in the bedroom. Jilly seems like a very sweet and affectionate cat.
Funny story! Love those flowered clogs in the photo... wherever did you get them?
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one to have busy nights because of a cat:-). Mine bring mice inside too, to play with, and then leave them for me to catch... And I do hate that. I have between two or three cats (depending if I catsit my daughter's cat or not) in my house, and still, I'm the one to catch the mice...
Once I even found a mouse deep asleep on my alarm clock...
Cats are amazing creatures!! Glad that little Mickey wasn't killed and you were able to get him back outside where he belonged.
Cindy - The eyelid licking is cute, yes, but PAINFUL!!! She'll do it and then when you open your eyes, she's RIGHT THERE staring you down, as if to say, "WAKE UP! I'm here to play with you!"
Robin - We have two inside-only cats and the other six are outside ones. I just don't think I could handle eight cats inside. A couple of the outside ones would love to be inside cats (Max and Jilly), but the one winter when we kept them all inside was just too much. Romie felt like the winter was going to be too cold for the new kittens so that's why we kept them inside that year.
Connie - Those shoes are Ladybugs and I got them from ValleyVet.com on clearance for $12 or something like that, but they only have a few styles left in sizes 5 or 6. Gardener's Supply has them in two styles for $24.95. I know they are sold elsewhere, so maybe just google "Ladybug clogs".
Funny story. I can't wait to tell all my cat owning friends.
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