Remember the Korean Violet (Viola koreana 'Sylettas') I was so thrilled to find after its long absence from my garden? I transplanted the tiny thing to a safer location, surrounded it with small rocks so it wouldn't get lost among its larger neighbors and crossed my fingers that it would thrive and reproduce.
Amazingly enough, shortly after that I found yet another seedling growing between the bricks of the patio. How that got there is an even bigger miracle than finding the first one, since it was nowhere near the original location of the plants that had originally grown in the garden and disappeared several years ago. I transplanted that one next to the first one and hoped for the best.
If all continues going in this direction, I may have a nice colony of Korean Violets again someday!
How cute. They are kind of evocative of a miniature heuchera with rounded leaves. I'd love to see the blooms; I've always had a soft spot in my heart for violets.
It is always fun to find something you thought was gone. I have seen this plant in gardens further south. I am glad to see that it grows for you because if it grows for you it should for me. I will try to find some.
Oooh, they're pretty - I'm very fond of violets!
Hope it survives the winter alright!
Cute leaves and what a treat that is has come back. Love the American Gothic of you and your husband. cute!
Diana ~ I can't remember what the blooms look like, but I think they were pink. I grew them for the foliage. I just love it! It reminds me more of cyclamen, but I can see the heuchera resemblance, too.
Lisa ~ Oh yes, you could grow it too. Lazy S Farms has some plants, and I'll probably buy some next spring. I've never seen them in any garden center anywhere. Not sure why not.
Nutty Gnome ~ I hope so, too!
I love violets. And, I do the same thing as you... When I spot something special out in the gardens I create a little rock circle so I can keep an eye on them.
Kylee, I was given a little violet a couple of years ago... and now that I see this, I'm wondering if that's what I was given. I'll watch for your future posts to see for sure. :-) How are you coming with your new blog??
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